Greater Conversions + Sales Support – We Made it a Working Man’s Website

As a key player – and sizeable organisation – in a robust commercial industry, our client required efficient management across all website and online operations to stay ahead of competitors. By implementing and actioning specific processes, we increased customer engagement and optimised website conversions, resulting in increased clicks, enquiries, downloads and email contact. And, we refreshed all copy and content for flyers and brochures to ensure the quality and workmanship of their products and services resounds. .

Strategies we implemented

Site Management

User Engagement Tracking

A/B Testing

Analytics & Reporting

Systems we used

Working swiftly to increase overall website engagement, we . . .


Increased pages per session by


Reduced bounce rate

With a key focus on improving site conversion, results delivered . . .


Increased customer inquiries


Increase in product brochure downloads

Consistent content management was overwhelming – especially for a big team of people who are experts in their field but not in web and online marketing.

So, we delivered the marketing support and expertise needed to execute constant web content updates.

Optimal support

Ongoing marketing support – with a core focus on website optimisation, maintenance and redesign, multi-media to support lead generation, plus sales support – is essential for our client.

Why? Because they need to align themselves as a one-stop-shop for all product solutions, targeting both residential and commercial customers.

support lead generation

Targeting two audiences was essential, so we re-structured their website – including all information and imagery – to present a unified, consistent and clear brand message across one platform.

Pulling back the layers

To achieve multiple targets, we utilised all opportunities for improvement. This process began with a wider site audit project, focused specifically on homepage improvements.

We found that critical information was being lost on their core landing page – customers weren’t being driven to other product pages because of lack of content positioning and structure.

To steer leads to the correct place, we repurposed content – residential, commercial, industrial – and implemented design modifications and wireframing, to ensure ease of navigation and support lead generation processes.

Now all customers reach the right pages.

Greater conversion

Measure of change . . .

We initiated set up and tracking of Google Analytics Baseline Reporting. To identify the depth of site page clicks, we engaged SEMrush software for greater online visibility and undertook a pre-analysis, running through all analytics, research and customer behaviours.

Next, we focused on creating a ‘new look’ for the website – specifically the homepage. We questioned how the layout should look to present all categories and product lines successfully, and which essential information to include on the homepage to achieve those lead targets. We then developed a sales database growth and lead generation-oriented layout – mapping it all out via wireframe.

With website in place, we uploaded new content, brochures and information modifications.

Implementing an efficient reporting system allowed us to see just how many leads had downloaded brochures, and how many customers were clicking through for further contact.

Our client’s feedback?

“The team at Roger Roger are a brilliant bunch to work with, straightforward, concise and very clear directives. They executed all with precision and delivered the results we needed. All while ensuing no disruptions to our daily operations.”

The results . . .

By actioning specific strategies – Site Management, Conversion Rate Optimisation, Data Analytics & Reporting, Creative Design and Copywriting – we created a more efficient website and online operations. Key results include . . .

Increase overall in website engagement:


Increase pages per session


Increase average time on page


Reduced bounce rate

An increase in overall site conversion:  


Increase in customer inquiries


Increase in product brochure downloads


Increase in email click contacts

Our client’s feedback?

“They took the guesswork out of website management and seamlessly fitted into our team throughout the process. They went about improvements and solutions with ease and punctuality. Nothing was too hard, or too scary – thank you!”

Written by: Cory Gordon 

Cory will be your key contact for all things marketing.

With 20 years of marketing experience in businesses of all sizes, industries and segments (we’re talking SME, large global organisations, B2C, B2B, retail, education, automotive, and fashion), he has the ability to add real value across all levels of an organisation.

More than just a senior marketer, Cory is your general nice guy, he is a father and a husband, and a lover of all things Star Wars.

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